Puslapis 11

Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Sek Vas 17, 2013 11:47 pm
Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

The Black Hole Image 2.0.0 is completely new and based on the new Vu+ OE. We used the name OE 2.0 only to maintain a tradition started by DMM, but in reality OE 2.0 does not mean anything. We could call it OE 3.0 or 4.0. This is because the new version of OE doesn't have a numbering system, as it is updated continuously and is dynamically linked to the new Vu+ OE. The Black Hole image 2.0.0 is the result of a long process of coding and testing. During the transition to Version 2.0.0 the Black Hole Team has created a dedicated server to support the image that is now live and available to users.
Black Hole official feeds (for updating the image on-line)
Black Hole Addons server (a new server with new addons plugins for OE 2.0)
Black Hole feeds plugins (official E2 compiled plugins for the Black Hole and accompanied by a detailed description)
Black Hole feeds settings (settings packages)
As for the details of the updates due to the transition to the new OE version the entire subsystem of the image has been updated and this means that the image has a new engine.

What is new ?

In reality there are too many changes and updates to list, but as most are not "visible" to "an end user" we will just list the important ones that you can see and will use.
Online Black Hole Update feature.
Green panel> Addons> Online Black Hole image update.

The Black Hole image is now fully upgradeable online. With this function, you can now keep the Black Hole image installed up to date. For example, the release of new drivers from Vu+ and also in the daily work that is done by the team in their Vu+ Git. The Black Hole team will follow the daily development work of Vu+, and will provide a regular update of the image.
Complete translation of the Black Hole Image.
Starting with version 2.0.0 the Black Hole image is fully translatable. The image already contains a complete translation in Italian. All language files available will be posted on the board to be fully translated by any users who want to make their contribution.
Restructuring main menu.
The main menu of the Black Hole has been restructured and enriched with new items, to offer a more convenient and easier access to all features of the image.
Addons server
The addons server has been renovated. As you know plugins for the new OE 2.0 are NOT compatible with the previous OE 1.6 versions, the new OE uses an updated version of Python> 2.7. All plugins on the addons server have been removed and / or replaced with new plugins that are compatible with the new version.
Feeds Plugins.
Green panel> Addons> Addons Download Manager> Black Hole Feeds Plugins.

In addition to the plugins on the addons server, now we have available a separate section for about 80 classic Enigma2 plugins which in the past often did not work due to incompatibility with version or architecture (e.g. BitrateViewer etc. ..). All of these plugins have now been updated to work with the Black Hole images and are available in the feeds panel.

The Black Hole team has also added a little description for each plugin to help you understand what they do and where they are located.
Online Feeds Settings Update.
Green panel> Addons> Online Feeds Settings update.

This new feature lets you keep your settings up to date if you choose one of the packages in the panel. The Black Hole server actually searches the servers automatically checking for updates of settings and will automatically package them and make them available in the panel as they become available. When the user enters the panel, The Black Hole image will automatically check the version of installed settings and proceed to the update.
Option to disable EIT for EPG and events.
Main menu -> Epg Panel -> Global Settings.

The EIT (Event Information Table) is a form of immediate epg which usually covers only two events (now and next), which usually is very capable and functional. However, this form of epg also tends to overwrite the epg that is in the cache, although it is often more accurate and complete.

But for those who are used to downloading a full epg package with CrossEPG or one of the other methods it can be very useful to disable the EIT so that the epg is not overwritten.
Automatic audio language selection
Main menu -> Black Hole Apps -> Auto language selection setting

This feature was originally implemented by the Pli team.
The function allows you to set a list of four preferred languages that will be automatically selected when you switch to channels with multiple audio tracks.
This is very useful when zapping channels with foreign languages that also broadcast the original soundtrack. In this case it will automatically select the preferred language. The list is in order of importance so if your first language choice isn't an option it will switch to your second or third choice.
You also have the option to give preference to Ac3 soundtracks if they are available.

If you set "Prefer audio stream stored by service" to "No" when you visit a channel and you select a different language then by default the software will remember that preference, however with Autolanguage when you next zap back to that channel it will automatically select the language of your choice set above.

To preserve Flash space HbbTv is not included in this image.
To install HbbTv go to Main menu -> Addons -> Addons Download Manager -> Black Hole Feeds Plugins -> hbbtv-opera.
This image is not compatible with previous skin versions.
This image is not compatible with previous OE 1.6 plugins.
This image is not compatable with any previous Personal Backups you have made.

YOU MUST install this as a fresh image, restoring from a previous backup will corrupt the image and make it very unstable. You also will need to check for and remove any vuplus folders found on your hdd or usb devices before you install this image.

WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot.
The image MUST be installed in flash.
Black Hole does not support images not installed in flash.

This latest version of the Black Hole series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance.

Please note that of all images Black Hole now has the best epg system:
- Integrated OpenEpg
- Rytec dedicated epg.dat
- New system epg.dat outside.
This last feature gives the possibility to various forums or communities to create their favorite EPG data files and load them into a web space.
Community members can then download it from our servers.
This feature provides other benefits such as:
Increase download speed of EPG
Download EPG from any channel
Schedule the download of EPG decoder even during standby
Users can customize the providers using Add / Remove function


Black Hole Vu+ Uno v.2.0.0 rev. A

Update Black Hole 2.0.0 to rev. A

This update will fix the bug of green screen on system info exit.

Please upgrade Black Hole image.
Main Menu -> Addons -> Online Black Hole image update

BlackHole-2.0.0-vuuno_usb.zip - 72.6 Mb

BlackHole-2.0.0-bm750_usb.zip - 61.1 Mb

BlackHole-2.0.0-vusolo_usb.zip - 60.8 Mb

BlackHole-2.0.0-vusolo2_usb.zip - 84.1 Mb

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Pir Vas 18, 2013 10:12 am
Kaip turbūt daugėlis žinote 2.0 versija turi nemažai būgų, arba kitaip sakant reikia daugiau padirbėti rankutėmis, kad viską susidėlioti.
Išejo atnaujinimas http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/t ... ev-b.11224, kur tokie pataisymai: Timezone, Factory reset, Autoresolution.
Nemažai kam užkliuvo, kad neišeina paprastai įdiegti ipk packų. Kaip galima išeitis, galėtų būti ipk-tools pluginas http://gisclub.tv/index.php?topic=5697.0 . Šio plugino galimybių nesu tikrinęs, todėl tik spėju, kad problemos išsispręs.
Emuliatoriai diegiasi ne su ipk packais, o ieškokite su galūne gz. Nors galbūt ipk-tools ir įdiegia. Aš pats, tingėdamas ieškoti gz, su 7zip išsiarchyvavau ipk packą ir susimečiau rankiniu būdu.

Man nepatiko, kad nėra epg ant ekranų, tautinio epg vėlgi reikia ilgokai laukti, ilgokai kraunasi (lyginant su openpli), iš Cvyko portalo ne visa media eina su garsu, kai kas dar minėjo kad ne visus media formatus mato. Todėl iškart grižau prie openpli.

Bet turėkim omeny, kad tai pirmasis BH imidžas su nauju kerneliu. Viską palaipsniui suderins ir ištaisys.

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Pir Vas 18, 2013 1:27 pm
Sutinku su Olegu. Tiek and Dreamu tiek ant Vu, 2.0OE nelabai dar stabilu ir zmona palikus viena prie tv su 2.0OE ramiai nepagyvensi :). Isdirbimo truksta. Is kitos puses, be Hbbtv kazko mandro ir nera...

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Pir Vas 18, 2013 2:04 pm
Jo ir as sutinku del BH ir VTI OE2.0 kad pradzioje klaidu bus.Bet jau tikrai senai naudoju 2.0 is AAF grupes tai eina normaliai. Jie ten branduoli ima is OpenPli. Buvau kelis kartus ir OpenPli isirases tai man jie vienodai stabilus. Nezinau gal ten kokie pribumbasai ir neveikia bet sat veikia,portalas... nebuvau pastebejes kad garso nebutu.Na tik ant kai kuriu iptv kanalu kazkada buvau uzlekes ir garso nebuvo.
ipk instalas, idealiai instalinasi be kokiu nors sutrikimu. Pabandykit jeigu turit laiko ta aaf 2.0 ir palyginkit nes as jau senai 1.6 nebesirasau o tuos vti ir bh 2.0 neturiu laiko eksperimentuoti.
openAAF 2.0 VU UNO
http://images.mynonpublic.com/openaaf2/ ... open=vuuno

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Šeš Vas 23, 2013 5:28 pm
Black Hole 2.0.1 OE 2

Новые драйверы (Solo2)
Change feed system with full paths for all machines
Обновление системного плагина видеорежима
Обновление английской локализации
Black Hole Speed: добавлена возможность полностью удалить предустановленные плагины из системы, чтобы увеличить скорость и свободное место на флэш
Исправлены часовые пояса
Исправлена ​​ошибка в панели системной информации
Исправлена ​​ошибка в девайс менеджере
Исправлена ошибка при обновлении имиджа
Исправлена ошибка в AutoSwap

Онлайн обновление к версии v. 2.0.1 rev. A

Что нового ?

• NEW: Поддержка файловой системы NTFS на флешках и внешних HDD.
• Исправлена ​​ошибка при входе в родительский контроль
•Fix локализации Bh Speed Up
•Обновлен Open Web Interface (Openwebif)
•NEW: В инфо о имидже добавлено отображение ревизии имиджа. Главное Меню -> Информация.
Пожалуйста, обновите свой имидж !

siustis is cia ----- http://vuplus.ru/index.php?topic=441.0

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Ant Vas 26, 2013 8:26 am
Padariau šiokį tokį BH2.0.1 backup'ą, skirtą VU UNO, http://www.failai.lt/lc4kwj8mtcix/BH2.0 ... ub.zip.htm .
Įdiegta: HdGlass16 skinas, Cvyko portalas, AspectRatioSwitch, Transmission. Taip pat įdėti Oscam, Mgcamd ir CCcam emuliatoriai. Mgcamdui /usr/keys papkėje įdėjau mg_cfg - siūlyčiau jo nekeisti, jei jau netenkins tada keiskite į savo. Oscam konfigai randasi /etc/tuxbox/config papkėje, sukonfigūruoti 2 kortelėms, viršutiniame slote goldwafer, apatiniame via kortai. Šis emu sukonfigūruotas kaip serveris ir klientas kartu, be jokių dre2. Norite žiūrėti gudriuoju būdu, tai į /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.server failiuką pridedame readerį, pvz.:
Label = +++
Protocol = newcamd
Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
Device = server,port
Account = user,pass
Fallback = 0
Group = 1
CAID = 0500
IDENT = 0500:040600,050B00
ReconnectTimeout = 20
InactivityTimeOut = 15

Jei kortelių nenaudosite, tai /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf failiuke darome WaitForCards = 0.
Su CCcam nieko nedariau, konfigus įsidėsite patys.

Kadangi pats naudoju Openpli, tai šis atvaizdas nėra iki galo ištestuotas, todėl gali kilti nesklandumų. Emuliatoriai testuoti...

P.S. Ši versija sukurta tik mokymosį tikslais. Jūs pilnai prisiimate atsakomybę sau. Tad prieš ką nors darydami - pagalvokite.

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Pen Kov 22, 2013 10:35 pm
As ir pabandziau Openpli, vaizdas labai geras .tik su emu problemos(as taip manau),vienus kanalus rodo ,kitu ne(NTV),perkraunu rodo,veliau vel nerodo(naudoju mgcamd).Gal kas zino kame problema,?

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Pen Kov 22, 2013 10:43 pm
Nera jokiu problemu su OpenPLI. Isimesk si faila i keys kataloga.

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Pen Kov 22, 2013 10:52 pm
Labai aciu,padejo :D

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Šeš Kov 23, 2013 9:47 am
Dar viena problema,nveikia irasymas.Raso "diskas nerastas ar neincializuotas",gal galima ka paaryti ,kad nedingtu HDD turinys?

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Šeš Kov 23, 2013 10:14 am
Diskas primountintas? Movie papkė yra?

Re: Black Hole 2.0.0 OE 2.0

Parašytas: Šeš Kov 23, 2013 10:24 am