Puslapis 11

Parašytas: Pir Kov 29, 2010 8:31 am
I have a brand new Samsung 2494SW now torn apart on my kitchen table that performs damn well with no obvious issues - other than a hot electrical component smell that gives me a righteous headache. It's not overpowering, but it's enough to make me want to return it, because apparently I'm quite sensitive to it. I've smelled the same odor coming from a prior Acer monitor that I returned (way more malodorous), and a couple CFLs. I can smell a faint odor similar to this in my philips tv and a samsung lcd at work if I put my nose right up to the vents.

So after taking it apart, I've sniffed out the components that stink. It's definitely strongest near the medium-large sized caps and the transformer. I see no visible signs of defect. No bulging, leaking, stains, or dry joints. The caps are Samwha brand, and from what I've gathered they're the WB model.

Parašytas: Pir Kov 29, 2010 9:00 am
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